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A photo of Michael, a tutor from Middlebury College


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I graduated from Middlebury College in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. As a Philosophy major, I developed an aptitude for argumentation and logical reasoning, and utilized these skills as a teaching assistant for the Introduction to Modern Logic course at Middlebury. I am particularly interested in teaching the LSAT to students, as this test draws on the strengths that I developed throughout college and during my months of preparation for the test. While the LSAT is challenging, it is learnable, and with a basic understanding of logical concepts and some key strategies to approach each section, anyone is capable of improving his/her score significantly. These concepts and strategies helped boost my score 17 points over the course of 2 months.

As someone who has recently gone through the law school admissions process, I am also happy to help students with any other aspect of the application process. Given the substantial weight of the LSAT in the admissions process, however, I am particularly passionate about helping students master this test. I know from personal experience that the LSAT can be frustrating, but I will help students to break down each section and minimize the test's intimidation factor. With patience, repetition, and an understanding of how the test writers think, the LSAT can become predictable and even enjoyable. I want to help students get to that point so they can go into test day with the best possible resources for maximizing their score.

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本月l’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Middlebury College- Bachelors, Philosophy

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1470

SAT Math: 740

SAT Writing: 700

LSAT: 169


Working out, singing, reading

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