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A photo of Corey, a tutor from North Carolina State University at Raleigh


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我想要成为一个教育家去的选项t limiting my career choices, so I earned my Bachelor's degree in Leadership from North Carolina State University, including a rigorous background in mathematics. In my years as a Project Manager, I applied my leadership skills, which, among other skills, honed my writing and grammar expertise. And, for over 1 decade now, I have been teaching mathematics at many levels, including roles as Mathematics Department Chair, Education Manager, Mathematics Lead Teacher, Math Specialist and Tutor. My superpower is that I am down to earth, musical (which is very related to math) and cool, so I can relate to my students, find out where they are, and then teach from there! So, contact me, and let's go!

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科里的s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:North Carolina State University at Raleigh- Bachelor in Arts, Organizational Leadership

State Certified Teacher


I love music, mostly instrumental music but almost any music that demonstrates the musical abilities of the artist. I like to watch sports when I have the time, and I like to read in order to improve myself. I am also interested in the Bible, and I try to live by Bible principals.

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching


Algebra 2



Kindergarten Readiness

Late Elementary Reading Comprehension


Middle School Math



Robust Reading Class

Short Story Fairytales

Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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