Articles tagged withCollege Applications

How to Plan College Campus Visits

How to Plan College Campus Visits

Probably one of the most critical steps of the college search, your campus visits need to be scheduled early on with plenty of time to spare. These visits are pivotal points in your decision-making process, as there is simply no better way to get a real handle on a campus than by spending some time on it. But with so much to do in the period of college application insanity, how can you possibly make sure each of these visits are scheduled appropriately and made use of in the best ways? Moreover, how do you know which campuses you need to visit? All of these questions that might be asked in a panic before quickly-approaching deadlines are more ...Read More About How to Plan College Campus Visits

Ask an Admissions Expert: Abby Siegel

Ask an Admissions Expert: Abby Siegel

Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Abby Siegel is a College Entrance Consultant at her self-started firm, Abby Siegel & Associates. After graduating from Vanderbilt University, she went on to graduate school at Loyola University Chicago where she directly worked in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Abby has worked in college guidance counseling for over a decade and was a recipient of the University of Miami’s Excellence in Counseling Award. See what she had to say about the college application process: VT: How far ahead of time should a student ...Read More About Ask an Admissions Expert: Abby Siegel

Ask an Admissions Expert: Susan Goodkin

Ask an Admissions Expert: Susan Goodkin

Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Susan Goodkin is a national college consultant specializing in admission to highly selective colleges such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, and much more. She is a graduate of Harvard University, as well as Oxford University where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Susan has been featured in several well-known publications such as The Washington Post and The Miami Herald. She currently does college admissions consulting at the California Learning Strategies Center. VT: How far ahead of time should a student begin working on his or her college ap ...Read More About Ask an Admissions Expert: Susan Goodkin

Top Questions to Ask at a Campus Information Session

Top Questions to Ask at a Campus Information Session

The following piece was written by Joie Jager-Hyman. Joie has been featured in our Admissions Expert series and is a former Assistant Director of Admissions for Dartmouth College. She is the founder of her own admissions consulting service, College Prep 360. As spring break approaches, many families with 10th and 11th graders are gearing up to hit the road for campus visits. Many students and parents are tempted to focus on certain data points like size, location, selectivity, cost, and choice of majors. All of these are important things to consider in your college search—but not at the expense of overlooking how you feel ...阅读更多关于t的问题o Ask at a Campus Information Session

What To Do If You're Wait-Listed

What To Do If You're Wait-Listed

The following piece was written by Paul Bodine. Paul has been featured in our Admissions Expert series and is the author of the best-selling admissions guide, Great Applications for Business School. He currently runs his own firm, Paul Bodine Admissions Consulting. It's that time of year: daydreaming as notification day loomed of joining your dream school – you've instead learned you were wait-listed. Congratulations. You weren’t rejected; you qualified for admission. The admissions committee found your qualifications impressive and believes you can handle their program, but they had some 'issues' with aspects of ...Read More About What To Do If You're Wait-Listed