Articles tagged withCollege Applications

Ask an Admissions Expert: Densil R. R. Porteous II

Ask an Admissions Expert: Densil R. R. Porteous II

大学导师带给你内幕提示和建议straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Densil R. R. Porteous II is currently the Director of Admissions at Columbus College of Art & Design. He has served in leadership roles in admissions at Stanford University and his alma mater, Kenyon College. Densil has also taught at the high school and post-secondary levels when he served as Director of College Counseling at the Drew School in San Francisco and College Counseling Certificate Instructor at University of California, San Diego. VT: How far ahead of time should a student begin working on his or her college applicat ...Read More About Ask an Admissions Expert: Densil R. R. Porteous II

Ask an Admissions Expert: Adam Hoff

Ask an Admissions Expert: Adam Hoff

大学导师带给你内幕提示和建议straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Adam Hoff is one of the two owners of Amerasia Consulting where he and his team of consultants prep applicants for business school applications. He is quite experienced with the undergrad admissions process as well, having previously been the Associate Director of Admissions at Pepperdine University. Adam also graduated from The University of Chicago Law School, ultimately giving him an incredibly well-rounded view on higher education that he is eager to share with students everywhere. VT: How far ahead of time should a student begin ...Read More About Ask an Admissions Expert: Adam Hoff

College Search Tip: Narrow Down Your Application Choices

College Search Tip: Narrow Down Your Application Choices

What is a search without knowing what you’re searching for? Sure, you are searching for the right college to attend, but how can you really make that selection if you don’t know exactly what it is you want? You've been working with that ACT tutor and perfecting your GPA - but additionally, no college search should commence without a precise understanding of the kind of experience you’re looking for. The details are infinite and require a lot of attention. Applying to a bunch of schools just because you feel like you should is not a fruitful plan, because just knowing that you want to go to college is not enough. It is not eno ...Read More About College Search Tip: Narrow Down Your Application Choices

Ask an Admissions Expert: Leah Beasley

Ask an Admissions Expert: Leah Beasley

大学导师带给你内幕提示和建议straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Leah Beasley received her Bachelor’s degree from Tufts University, her Master’s from the University of Michigan, and her Ph.D. from Michigan State. Having over a decade of experience in college admissions and high school college counseling, Leah is up to date on all of the most important trends and elements in this world. She has worked in many prestigious admissions offices including those at Harvard University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Leah has evaluated thousands of applications over the years and is ...Read More About Ask an Admissions Expert: Leah Beasley

College Search Tip: Keep and Use a Calendar

College Search Tip: Keep and Use a Calendar

If you are embarking on that challenging college search, there is one major aspect that must constantly be on your mind: deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. Without keeping track of these, you might as well say goodbye to an easy decision-making process now. Regarding your campus visits, early-decision time frames, SAT registration periods, and so much more you probably haven’t even thought of yet, you’re going to be very sorry later on if you didn’t document these down somewhere outside of your mind. Here is some great strategy tips for college applications and admissions that you may find useful as well. First things fir ...Read More About College Search Tip: Keep and Use a Calendar