Articles tagged withCollege Life

4 Common Midterm Study Mistakes

4 Common Midterm Study Mistakes

这学期你安顿下来后,发现your bearings, midterm season may seem to suddenly sneak up on you. Halfway through the semester, you’re likely to have your routines in place, and midterms require their own arrangement of time and energy. While these exams can feel like an upheaval, there are common midterm study mistakes you can work to avoid—including prioritizing the wrong concepts, not getting sufficient rest, and not considering the test formats while studying. Hoping to successfully tackle your midterms this semester? Keep reading to learn four common midterm study mistakes. Common midterm ...Read More About 4 Common Midterm Study Mistakes

5 Educational Podcasts Every College Student Should Be Listening To

5 Educational Podcasts Every College Student Should Be Listening To

As a college student, you’re busy with classes, extracurriculars, meetings, and friends—not to mention keeping up with current events. With all of that, you’re likely to have more than enough to read. An excellent bridge between reading—for fun or for class—and watching TV is the podcast, which walks the line of entertaining and educating. Looking to enhance your learning this semester through podcasts? Keep reading to discover five educational podcasts every college student should listen to. Educational podcast #1: Invisibilia Produced and hosted by NPR, Invisibilia is the Latin term for “inv ...Read More About 5 Educational Podcasts Every College Student Should Be Listening To

4 Ways to Connect with Your Lecture Professor

4 Ways to Connect with Your Lecture Professor

College is back in session, and it’s time to focus on the task at hand: academic success. Hopefully you have some exciting and challenging classes that you’re looking forward to this semester. One specific type you may encounter is a lecture-style course. These are unique academic experiences, as you do not get as much individualized attention as you would in a class like a seminar. However, these classes can often be essential to your major or to your general education requirements, making it critical to do well and to connect with your lecture professor. You can connect with your lecture professor in many ways, including p ...Read More About 4 Ways to Connect with Your Lecture Professor

What are the Hardest College Classes?

What are the Hardest College Classes?

If they were asked to create a list of the hardest college classes, each student would likely have their own selection of difficult courses that provoked tiresome semesters. While each major area of study has an array of challenging coursework, there are classes that are consistently daunting for many students across multiple college campuses. A few of the hardest college classes include economics, linguistics, and statistics. When preparing for a new semester, it’s important to understand the difficulty level of various courses so you can plan your time accordingly. Keep reading to answer the question, “What are the hardest ...Read More About What are the Hardest College Classes?

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During a College Summer Class

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During a College Summer Class

For most college students, summer is a welcome break from attending classes, studying for exams, and finishing homework assignments. With often beautiful weather and a plethora of available activities, sitting in a classroom during the summer months is likely unappealing. Yet some college students are choosing to sign up for summer classes. Summer classes allow you to get ahead on your required classes or simply to learn more about a subject of interest. Ways to stay motivated during a college summer class include keeping a schedule, settling into a routine, and finding a reliable study space. If you’ve signed up for a summer class and ...Read More About 5 Ways to Stay Motivated During a College Summer Class