
Kristenof Mukilteo参加2013年2月校导师奖学金竞赛的作品

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老师的统治!- 2013年2月奖学金论文

当我五岁的时候,我经常放学回家,在我的楼梯上整齐地摆上两排我的泰豆豆娃。然后我会选择一个娃娃,让她面对着我的两排豆豆娃坐下来。接下来,我会坐下来,问我的豆豆娃和我的娃娃是否“全班都完成了作业”。自从我上学以来,我总是很尊敬我的老师或老师。教师是普通人,他们通过广泛的教育获得了今天所拥有的证书。老师们做了那么多额外的工作和学习,就是为了能教下一代的孩子。教师对人生的影响是永远的。不管我有多大,我总是会回想起一个年级,想起一位老师,然后立刻微笑,因为所有的老师都帮助我成为了今天的我。当我上大学时,我打算学习教育和历史专业,这样我就可以继续前进,不仅教孩子们,而且永远改变他们的生活。我一直对历史充满热情。在我上中学的时候,我有一个社会学老师,他总是让我们做不同的项目。 We would read various books about events that happened hundreds of years ago, and people who changed the world with just one simple idea. I was the kid who liked these stories and working on these projects. I don't understand how some people think history is "boring". The world has changed so much, and it's fascinating to study and learn about how far we've come. I want to teach kids about how much times have changed, and how people have evolved to make the world what it is today. A teacher was someone like me at one point. A high school senior just trying to find a place in this world and survive. Teachers understand kids and help them not only in academics, but with their personal lives as well. Kids are fragile. Any person who is willing to take up a career that makes them be involved in kids lives five days a week, for almost a year, has a lot of heart. I want to major in education and history so that I can not only teach kids who the first president was, or who said "give my liberty or give me death", but to also be a positive memory in that student's mind for the rest of their life. I still remember basic rules that my teachers taught me that I live by to this day. I want to be a part of someone's life and know that I taught them something that they didn't know before. Something that they might remember and/or live by for many years to come."A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning" (Brad Henry). When I get to college and major in education and history and eventually move on to become a history teacher, I want to inspire kids that anything is possible if you have enough courage to go after what you want. Every teacher I've had has changed me into a stronger and more dedicated student and person. If I can help someone become a smarter person than they were yesterday or influence them to always do their best, then I've changed the world because that student, will change the world someday.