Test:AP Environmental Science


How exactly does CAFE improve the average fuel economy of vehicles?

CAFE enforces federal emissions standards that increase annually. This standard applies to vehicles of all model years, and older vehicles often have to be modified to meet emissions standards and be legal to drive.

CAFE mandates a minimum average fuel economy for a manufacturer's fleet of vehicles to be sold in the U.S., and this standard increases over the years.

CAFE ensures that petroleum-producing companies are producing quality fuels that do not contain lead or sulphur levels above federal standards and contribute to air pollution.

CAFE groups commercial vehicles and light trucks together and sets a minimum average fuel economy for the entire fleet, ensuring that companies manufacturing gas-guzzling commercial trucks also produce fuel-efficient and hybrid vehicles.

CAFE mandates a minimum average fuel economy for a manufacturer's fleet of vehicles to be sold in the U.S., and this standard has remained constant since 1975.

1/4 questions


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