Test:5th Grade Science


In 1859, a farmer brought 24 rabbits to Australia. There were many green plants for the rabbits to eat. The rabbits grew strong and reproduced rapidly. By 1950, Australia had 600 million rabbits! Unfortunately, the rabbits damaged the ecosystem. After that one-hundred-year period, there were no green plants left. Scientists decided to try to lower the number of rabbits by releasing a disease into their environment. The disease killed many of the rabbits. But the dead rabbits created problems for the environment. There were many dead rabbits, but eventually, decomposers cleaned them up.

Why were there no green plants left in the 1950s?

Australia is very hot, and many plants cannot survive in those conditions, so they withered and died.

The rabbits had eaten them all, and they could not reproduce as fast or faster than the rabbits could eat them.

The farmer removed the green plants so that there was room for his rabbits to run free and jump.

The disease from the rabbits spread to the green plants and infected them, so they slowly died off.

1/5 questions


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