AP Environmental Science : Global Effects and Dynamics

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Example Questions

Example Question #2 :Impact Of Global Warming

How many periods of warming and cooling cycles have there been in the Earth's history?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


According to NASA, there have been 7 warming and cooling cycles in the past 650,000 years. The reason this cycle has so much publicity is due to the rapid increase of temperature during on overall cool period. The fact that the rate of warming is significantly faster, correlating with human development, is the reason so many scientists are concerned about global warming.

Example Question #21 :Global Effects And Dynamics

Which of the following is not a projected issue following the furthering of global warming?

Possible Answers:

More deaths (maybe 2x more) due to asthma and bronchitis

Increased insect-borne illnesses

All of these are potential issues


Correct answer:

All of these are potential issues


All of these are likely effects of continued global warming. Diminishing food and water supplies is also an important outcome to consider - this especially could lead to immigration issues regarding environmental refugees and other international crises.

Example Question #1 :Politics And Global Warming

Which of the following class of pollutants has the greatest negative effect of the ozone layer?

Possible Answers:

Sulfurous Compounds

NxOs (nitrous oxides)

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

Heavy particulate matter

Correct answer:

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)


CFCs are classically known to be extremely degrading to the ozone layer, so much so that CFCs were banned by the united states in the 1970s in hopes of curbing the expanding of the hole in the ozone layer. CFC's are also very prolific in the stratosphere, which is where the ozone layer resides.

Example Question #2 :Politics And Global Warming

Which of the following greenhouse gasses is not controlled under the Kyoto Protocol?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Althoughis still technically a greenhouse gas, it is not currently controlled under the Kyoto Protocol due to its inherent nature of being predominately produced naturally. Another reason for this is that water vapor is difficult to track, as it is typically a non-point source of greenhouse gas. Most non-point sources of pollution or waste are normally not controlled under environmental law at this time.

Example Question #3 :Politics And Global Warming

__________is a politician who believes strongly in climate change and is responsible for the documentary,The Inconvenient Truth.

Possible Answers:

Al Gore

Newt Gingrich

Paul Ryan

George Bush

Correct answer:

Al Gore


Al Gore is passionate about climate change and aims to educate citizens about the cause. In 2006, he helped create a documentary,An Inconvenient Truth, which has been credited for raising public awareness. This documentary has also been included in some school's curriculums.

Example Question #1 :Habitats And Biomes

Which of the following is the most accurate example of a biome?

Possible Answers:

An oasis formed by an above-ground water source in the North African desert

A slash-and-burn site in the tropical rainforest that has been converted to rangeland

In Alaska and Northern Canada, the most northern latitudes that consist mostly of tundra, composed largely of small shrubs, arctic grasses, and lichens

Thinned-out stands in a redwood forest that allow for more shrubs and grasses to grow than in denser stands

A riparian zone with diverse aquatic vegetation and wildlife that encompasses a watershed

Correct answer:

In Alaska and Northern Canada, the most northern latitudes that consist mostly of tundra, composed largely of small shrubs, arctic grasses, and lichens


A biome is a large geographical area that consists of flora and fauna that have adapted to local conditions. The tundra is a geographical region that consists of arctic-adapted plants and animals. The other answers are more examples of ecosystems, specific communities of plants and animals adapted to certain conditions within a biome. Other examples of biomes include (but are not limited to) desert, deciduous forest, savanna and taiga (subarctic forest).

Example Question #2 :Habitats And Biomes

Which major biome could be characterized as having the following characteristics?

  • Has four distinct seasons
  • Located betweenNorth andSouth
  • Dominated by broadleaf trees that lose leaves in the winter
  • Annual precipitation that ranges betweenand
Possible Answers:

Temperate shrubland

Temperate deciduous forest




Correct answer:

Temperate deciduous forest


The correct answer is "temperate deciduous forest." Temperate deciduous forests typically get more precipitation than taiga, shrubland, desert, or grassland, and their flora is dominated by broadleaf trees.

Example Question #3 :Habitats And Biomes

Which of the following adaptations would NOT be typical of a species that inhabits a desert ecosystem?

Possible Answers:

Dry fecal excretions

Ability to burrow underground

Diluted urine excretions

Ability to store body fat more efficiently

Nocturnal activity pattern

Correct answer:

Diluted urine excretions


Many desert species have adapted to an ecosystem with limited water and food availability with concentrated or "dry" bodily excretions, and the ability to effectively store fat. Burrowing is a common trait for desert mammals as a way to contend with the heat. Diluted urine excretions would not be advantageous in a desert ecosystem because the body would be expelling water inefficiently.

Example Question #4 :Habitats And Biomes

Corals under stress from high water temperatures and pollution expel their zooxanthellae in a process called__________.

Possible Answers:

shelf slope break

coral bleaching


algal blooming

Correct answer:

coral bleaching


When corals eject their intracellular symbiotic organisms, their color is lost along with the zooxanthellae's photosynthetic ability. This leads to the death of the coral. Algal blooms simply involve the rapid growth of algae over a short period of time. Upwelling involves the process by which deep, nutrient-rich water rises up and gets mixed with the water higher in the ground.

Example Question #5 :Habitats And Biomes

Eric's home is located northward of the 60olatitude. The landscape surrounding his home contains dwarf shrubs, spongy and wet ground-cover, permafrost, and no trees. Which biome does Eric live in?

Possible Answers:


Temperate Grassland

Boreal Forest


Correct answer:



The correct response is tundra. The tundra biome is characterized by permafrost and its lack of trees. The soil is frozen year-around, which prevents large vegetation growth. The tundra is located at high latitudes above the 60oline.

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