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A photo of Amanda, a tutor from Worcester State University


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I believe everyone can learn. I have a gift of connecting creativity to most subjects. As a college professor I have the opportunity to help students unlock their potential! It is my hope to help unlock as many peoples potential as possible before my time on earth is over.

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Amanda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Worcester State University- Bachelor of Science, Occupational Therapy

Graduate Degree:Northeastern Seminary- Master of Arts, Theology


any craft, super hero sagas, Lord of the Rings, board games, computing, reading, movies, dogs

Tutoring Subjects

AP Research

Basic Computer Literacy

Business Ethics

Business Writing

College Application Essays

College English

Elementary School Reading



Essay Editing

High School English

IB Computer Science



Microsoft Office


Personal Finance

Philosophical Ethics


Public Speaking

Quantitative Reasoning

Social Sciences

Social Studies


Spanish 2

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

World Religions

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