GED Math : Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

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Example Questions

Example Question #11 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines


Give ths slope of a line parallel to the line in the above figure.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to move from the lower left plotted point to the upper right plotted point, it is necessary to move up five units and right three units. This is a rise of 5 and a run of 3. The slope is the rise-to-run ratio, so the slope of the line is. Any line parallel to this line will have the same slope, so the correct response is.

Example Question #11 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines


Give the slope of a line perpendicular to the line in the above figure.

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


In order to move from the lower left point to the upper right point, it is necessary to move up five units and right three units. This is a rise of 5 and a run of 3. The slope of a line is the ratio of rise to run, so the slope of the line shown is.

A line perpendicular to this will have a slope equal to the opposite of the reciprocal of. This is.

Example Question #13 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines


Refer to the above red line. A line is drawn perpendicular to that line, and with the same-intercept. What is the equation of that line in slope-intercept form?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


First, we need to find the slope of the above line.

The slope of a line. given two pointscan be calculated using the slope formula:


The slope of a line perpendicular to it has as its slope the opposite of the reciprocal of 2, which would be.

Since we want the line to have the same-intercept as the above line, which is the point, we can use the slope-intercept form to help us. We set

, and solve for:

Substitute forandin the slope-intercept form, and the equation is


Example Question #14 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

Which of the following equations is represented by a line perpendicular to the line?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The equationcan be rewritten as follows:

This is the slope-intercept form, and the line has slope.

The linetherefore has slope. Since a line perpendicular to this one must have a slope that is the opposite reciprocal of, we are looking for a line that has slope.

The slopes of the lines in the four choices are as follows:




:This is the correct choice.

Example Question #15 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

Given the following equation, what is the slope of the perpendicular line?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Subtractfrom both sides.

The slope of this line is negative three.

The slope of the perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal of this slope.

The answer is:

Example Question #16 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

Which line is parallel to the following:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Two lines are parallel if they have the same slope. Now, we know the slope-intercept form is written as follows:

wheremis the slope andbis the y-intercept. Now, given the equation

we can see the slope is -3. So, to find a line parallel to this line, we will have to find an equation that also have a slope of -3.

If we look at the equation

we can see it has a slope of -3. Therefore, this equation is parallel to the original equation.

Example Question #17 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

Find a line that is perpendicular to the following:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Two lines are perpendicular if their slopes have opposite signs (positive/negative) and they are reciprocals of each other.

To find a reciprocal of a number, we will write it in fraction form. Then, the numerator becomes the denominator and the denominator becomes the numerator. In other words, we flip the fraction.

We will look at the lines in slope-intercept form

wheremis the slope andbis the y-intercept.

So, given the equation

we can see the slope is. Now, the opposite reciprocal of this slope iswhich is the same as. So, we will find the equation that hasas the slope.

So, in the equation

we can see the slope is. Therefore, it is perpendicular to the original equation.

Example Question #18 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

Find a line that is parallel to the following line:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Two lines are parallel if they have the same slope. So, we will look at the lines in slope-intercept form:

wheremis the slope andbis the y-intercept.

So, given the line

we can see the slope is -2. So, to find a line that is parallel, it must also have a slope of -2. So, the line

we can see it also has a slope of -2. Therefore, it is parallel to the original line.

Example Question #19 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

If a line has a slope of, what must be the slope of the perpendicular line?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The perpendicular line slope will be the negative reciprocal of the original slope.

Substitute the given slope into the equation.

The answer is:

Example Question #11 :Parallel And Perpendicular Lines

If the slope of a line is, what must be the slope of the perpendicular line?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The slope of the perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal of the original slope.

Substitute the slope into the equation.

The answer is:

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