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A photo of Vincent, a tutor from Institute of Management and Technology


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I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria, and proceeded to complete a Master's degree also in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. After a period of work as an Electrical Engineer in the industry, I returned to school and obtained an Earned Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Thereafter, I joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, where I taught for 9 years as a Senior Lecturer. In my long years working as Electrical Engineer, I have been a private tutor teaching Mathematics with joy to high school students including my own kids who benefited from my domiciliated approach to Mathematics employing household models with which students are most familiar and quite relaxed. This strategy of minimizing the amount of abstraction in thinking mathematics at foundational levels gave my pre-university students huge successes in admissions. This technique was also successful in teaching Mathematical and Electrical Engineering courses. Teaching Mathematics and Sciences should initially be dovetailed into the student's own vocabulary set and instancing well-known environment before subsequently carrying them up to standardized language and concepts. It is my desire and excitement to ease off the bottlenecks in the way of students learning Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. In addition to teaching Mathematics and Engineering, I played soccer as a hobby and lead ecumenical actions in my city.

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Vincent’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Institute of Management and Technology - Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree: Enugu State University of Science and Technology - Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree: The University of Nigeria - Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering


As a hobby, I play Soccer and Checkers (known also as Draughts). I also lead ecumenical actions in my city.

Tutoring Subjects

Applied Mathematics

College Math

Electrical Engineering




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