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A photo of Tanya, a tutor from Saint Leo University


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I am a graduate of The University of Phoenix. I have a master of science in psychology, adult learning facilitator/trainer certification, and personal finance counselor certification. As a military veteran, I have had the opportunity to travel the world and meet people across the globe. In my journey, I discovered I have a passion to help others reach their full potential in subjects ranging from psychology and financial literacy to public speaking and health/wellness. My goal is to provide helpful tutoring sessions that are unique to each student. It has been my experience, that once students understand academic subjects tailored to their needs, positive changes can occur which lead to success!

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Tanya’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Saint Leo University- Bachelor of Science, Psychology

Graduate Degree:University of Phoenix-Online Campus- Master of Science, Psychology


I enjoy artistic drawing, reading, virtual reality games, and spending time with family.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Health and Wellness





Personal Finance

Presentation Skills



Public Speaking

Social Sciences

Supply Chain Management

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