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A photo of Elan, a tutor from University of Miami


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I am a graduate of the University of Miami (BS: Marine Biology) and of Lewis and Clark College (MEd: Teaching). After graduating, I taught middle and high school science for five years. What has guided my teaching career has been my love of and dedication to building relationships with my students. I focus on my students' strengths in order to tailor my instruction to meet students where they are. We focus on building our vocabulary muscles and understanding of the big picture. The biological sciences have been my specialty with AP Biology being my favorite class I've taught. That being said, I have also taught physical science, geology, chemistry and numerous electives. In my spare time, you can find me exploring the trails of Southern Oregon where I am trying to become more of a runner.

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Elan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Miami- Bachelor of Science, Marine Sciences

Graduate Degree:Lewis and Clark Community College- Masters in Education, Science Teacher Education


Interests: Science, psychology, self improvement, nature, and urban exploration. Hobbies: Hiking, board games, reading, dancing, and curling.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology

AP Environmental Science


Earth Science

High School Biology

High School Physics

IB Biology

Life Sciences

Middle School Science





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