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A photo of Austin, a tutor from Longwood University



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本人毕业于洛伍德大学y and Radford University. I attended Longwood for my undergrad and earned a Bachelor of Science in Communication Science and Disorders with a minor in Special Education. I continued my education at Radford University where I earned a Master's degree in Special Education with a focus on Deaf Education. I am in my 8th year of teaching and I teach high school (grades 9-12). During my 8 years, I have worked with many students of varying ability levels and backgrounds. I have experience in a a few different science areas: Earth Science, Biology, and Ecology. My passion lies in Biology! I have experience preparing students for our state standardized testing. Something I am passionate about is getting kids involved in science and making it fun! I also have experience working with students on developing the soft skills needed to navigate the academic world such as organization and study skills. I enjoy supporting students with these skills that they can take out into the real world.

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Austin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Longwood University- Bachelor of Science, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Graduate Degree:Radford University- Master of Arts, Special Education


Outside of teaching and science, I enjoy reading, true crime, and spending time with friends and family! Friday evenings you can find me cuddled up with a good snack in front of the TV watching the latest 20/20 episode. When I have a few days off, I like to take road trips to the mountains or the beach. During those car rides you will find me with my nose to my Kindle reading mysteries!

Tutoring Subjects


Earth Science


Elementary School Science

High School Biology

High School Science

Learning Differences



PRAXIS Science

Professional Certifications


年代pecial Education

年代tudy Skills

年代tudy Skills and Organization

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