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A photo of Kenisha, a tutor from Western Carolina University


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I'm a graduate of the Western Carolina University, USA, where I completed a Bachelors of Science in Education, Middle Grades, Mathematics concentration. I've also attended the Sam Sharpe Teachers' College, Jamaica, where I completed a Diploma in Primary Education/Elementary Education. I have been a teaching for over 13 years. I currently tutor Mathematics at the Middle Grades level.

Mathematics is my favorite subject to teach because it provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning. In addition, mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other subjects such as science and music.

I enjoy watching and being part of students' growth and improvement. It is rewarding when my students are succeeding. I like the feeling when their faces ignite during a lesson especially when they are making connections or when they have mastered complex tasks.

It's my belief that every child has the capacity to learn and it is my responsibility to foster an environment that is conducive to learning, stimulates interest and growth.

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Kenisha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Western Carolina University- Bachelor in Arts, Middle School Teaching


Outside of academia, I enjoy listening to music and playing the alto saxophone.

Tutoring Subjects









Middle School

Middle School Math






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