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A photo of Daniel, a tutor from University of Maryland-College Park


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I am currently a freshman physiology and neurobiology student at the University of Maryland. I am currently on the Pre-med track and striving for medical school to become a dermatologist. I have almost 4 years of tutoring experience, tutoring mostly mathematics ranging from pre-algebra 1 to calculus 2. I've started tutoring on-level/honors/AP chemistry. I also tutor the SAT math section and biology; ranging from molecular biology to genetics.

I started tutoring back in 10th grade when I created my high School's first after-school tutoring service, Success Program, where students come after school and seek help from 7 tutors including myself.

Students that are in need of tutoring struggle to grasp the concepts thrown at them and I experiment and try various methods to make the concepts as easy to comprehend and applied. There is no shame in asking questions and that is what I always tell my students, "ASK QUESTIONS!"

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Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Maryland-College Park- Bachelor of Science, Physiology


Outside of academics, I am a movie nerd. I have watched a record of 1000 movies throughout my lifetime and can definitely name the movie if you describe a plot. Within my academic interests, I am co-founder of a startup, Dream X, which we connect young entrepreneurs with top investors within University of Maryland and help them fulfill their business goals.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Class

AP Calculus AB

AP Chinese Language and Culture




College Algebra

College Math

Conversational Mandarin

Elementary School Reading



High School Chemistry


Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4


Middle School Math




SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Math Prep Course



Test Prep

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