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As a long time writing tutor and a freshman composition professor, the study and teaching of writing is near and dear to my heart. While my research in both my MA and my PhD focus on academic writing, I have an appreciation for composing of all kinds, and love the ways that different genres play with different writing tools. I love to work with students on developing their writing and revising skills in any number of disciplines, and have the most experience working with academic essays, dissertations and theses, MLA and APA format, and creative writing. I enjoy working on all kinds of writing at all stages and will be there to help you develop writing skills that will not just improve your assignment, but your understanding of writing as well.

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Katie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Goucher College- Bachelor in Arts, Psychology


crochet, knitting, stardew valley, creative writing

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Creative Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English

High School Writing



Social Sciences


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