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A photo of Melissa, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh


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I am a Dyslexia Tutor who is passionate about and dedicated to helping nonmainstream learners discover and utilize their strengths, and to providing them with the explicit instruction and tools necessary to maximize their success. Collectively, my experience, skills, and knowledge enable me to accomplish these goals and qualify me as an ideal tutor for dyslexia, reading, spelling, writing, English, and/or organizational skills.

As a dyslexia tutor for over 7 years and teacher's aide for 6, I have been using the Barton Program to help my students with reading and spelling; tutoring English; teaching BulletMap Academy and creative, mnemonic teaching techniques to help them overcome academic, emotional, and organizational struggles; and advocating for and defending them in efforts to ensure they get the tools and accommodations they need and deserve.

My editing and photography skills translate to having an excellent eye and memory for details. I am proficient at using those details to find red flags, problem solve, and relate to my students; thus, enabling me to create innovative, tailored, and effective solutions and learning strategies that others may not.

Between my Journalism degree and experience as a Social Media Coordinator, I understand the importance of communication, accuracy, and staying in contact with sources.

Determined to help and understand my students as best as possible, I continually increase my knowledge about dyslexia and learning differences through courses, books, and videos.

I look forward to helping my students find and use their strengths so they can shine!

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Melissa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh- Bachelor in Arts, Journalism


My interests/hobbies include: learning more about dyslexia; reading; photography; writing captions; hunting for beach glass with my son and daughter; and making puzzles.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Learning Differences


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing




Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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