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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from Wabash College


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I earned my bachelor's degree at Wabash College in Indiana. My major was psychology and my minor was mathematics, both of which intersected with my focus on statistics and data analysis. When I was a mental health professional I extensively tutored students on organization skills, critical thinking, and emotion regulation. As a tutor I most enjoy teaching mathematics up to calculus, as I like to aid others in learning how to see the overall scope of knowledge in the field and how each subject logically leads into each other. I have worked mainly with children of all ages with attention, behavioral, or emotional disorders and have learned how to bring out their best impulses and desire to learn. To that end, my tutoring style is very patient and student-led, aiming to assist the student in learning the skills to figure out material themselves alongside covering the given material in-depth. Nothing excites me more in my work than seeing my students come to their own epiphanies and becoming more active thinkers and participants in their work and their world.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Wabash College- Bachelor of Science, Psychology


My primary interests have usually aligned with media, especially video games. I have a history as a baritone singer in school and college choral groups, having toured out of state in college. When I'm out anywhere with free time and nearby wilderness I go out to hike and explore. I am currently active in running campaigns of Dungeons and Dragons.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2






Social Sciences


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