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作为一个终身学习者, I always aspire to teach students with as much passion as possible so they can love learning too. I have a Master's Degree in history and am working on my second Master's in Computer Science. I love tutoring lots of subjects like history, English, creative writing and more. I think the most important thing when tutoring is listening and adapting to fit the needs of each student.

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Emily’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:东伊利诺斯大学- Bachelor in Arts, History

Graduate Degree:东伊利诺斯大学- Master of Arts, History


Creative writing, Digital art, Animals, Technology

Tutoring Subjects

College Level American History

College World History

Creative Writing

Dissertation Writing

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading



Essay Editing

High School World History


Middle School




Social Studies

Thesis Writing


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