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A photo of Kisha, a tutor from Indiana Institute of Technology


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I am a full-time student at Indiana Tech. My major is Phycology. I soon will get my master's degree in Christian Counseling. I will be getting my master's at Huntington University. They specialize in Christian counseling. I will study child phycology, youth substance abuse, domestic violence, and other special needs for our young generation. My children are who have brought a passion for me to teach. I am a homeschool / stay-at-home mom / full-time college student. I tutor pre-school, first grade, and second grade only. I can tutor math, English, grammar, reading, writing, spelling, science, and even history. My favorite subjects to tutor are math, science, english, spelling and grammar. I enjoy teaching these subjects because I love to help a child first begin reading, spelling, counting money, understanding the time, and writing in full sentences. I taught my daughter how to count money, read a book, and spell. It brought a lot of joy into my heart. It is the beginning of a child's new journey to books and their imagination! When I teach, I take my time so that I can make sure every child understands what I am teaching. Understanding, fun, and hard work-with a hint of balance-is my philosophy in helping a child obtain the educational requirements they need to help them. My goal is to get the child to know how to read, write, count numbers, spell, understand measurements, count money, read the time, and many other teachings. My goal is to help prepare them for their future educations. My interests outside of education are baking, running, hiking, and traveling with my family. Don't be surprised if I say I'm in Alaska or Georga or Florida. Or even in another country. I love adventure!

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Kisha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:印第安纳州理工学院- Bachelor of Science, Psychology


My interests are the health of our human development. I have a heart for child and youth counseling. I am a home baker! I bake all kinds of cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. My business is called For Heaven's Cake's. I love to travel. I was just moved bake from Alaska. I lived there for 2 1/2 years doing missionary work. I also have traveled to Guatemala and Ukraine helping orphans, feeding the homeless, and helped build a school for an orphanage. My faith is another big part of my life! I love people and serving when I can!

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax






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