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A photo of Danessa K, a tutor from Northeastern State University

Danessa K

Certified Tutor

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我收到了我的主人的科学图书馆媒体Northeastern State University. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Education with a Biological Emphasis from a different campus of the same university. I taught in the classroom for 17 years and ran 2 libraries for a year. I've taught 8th - 12th grades in the classroom while my library patrons ranged from 6th grade through 12th. While I can tutor a broad range of subjects, I am most passionate about Astronomy and Vulcanology in Earth Science and Virology & Bacteriology in Biology. Basically anything catastrophic. I have taught anywhere from gifted students to special education to ELL kiddos. I relate especially to those with learning disabilities as I have dyscalculia with a bit of dysgraphia myself. I also relate very well with ELL students due to marrying a man from Europe for whom English is not his 1st language. I place a big emphasis on learning how to learn rather than just memorizing facts. Education is critical for many reasons: personal growth, to achieve your dreams, a way out of poverty, improve quality of life, and to improve society and the world in general. Very little in life can be done well without the ability and will to learn. I want to provide students with the steps needed to achieve their dreams. I am very skilled at helping people understand how what they are learning is related to real life. I have always taught through real world examples. In my spare time, I enjoy reading sci fi and horror on my kindle, playing computer games, attempting to grow things in my garden, gourd pyrography, pottery, and painting. I am a member of the Cherokee Nation.

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Danessa K’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Northeastern State University- Bachelor in Arts, Biology Teacher Education

Graduate Degree:Northeastern State University- Master of Science, School Librarianship


Computer gaming, wheel-throwing pottery, gourd pyrography, reading sci-fi and horror books on my Kindle, gardening, building things from wood, fluid painting, resin art, 3D printing, animals, nature, Cherokee arts and legends, weird and creepy things.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT and SAT All-In-One Classes Prep

ACT Reading

ACT Science






Earth Science


Environmental Science

Fine Arts

High School Biology

Life Sciences

Middle School

Middle School Science



Presentation Skills

Public Speaking

Reading Comprehension Class

SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

Visual Arts


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