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A photo of Hannah, a tutor from University of Notre Dame


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I am a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, double majoring in Studio Art and American Studies. As I was interested in integrate my degrees in the real world, I graduated from Colorado State University with a Masters Degree in Public History, with a concentration in Museum Studies. Connecting people to that which they love is a huge passion of mine. It is why I was a graduate teaching assistant in grad school, teaching students how to write strong academic papers with solid arguments, clear prose, and strong analysis of primary and secondary sources. In my spare time I love to spend as much time outside as possible, which is why you can find me in the summertime working as a Park Ranger with the National Park Service. In my job I educate people about the special places they're visiting. I believe we are never too old to learn something new, and everyone has incredible, original ideas. I love being in a position where I can help these ideas come into fruition.

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Hannah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Notre Dame- Bachelor in Arts, Studio Arts

Graduate Degree:Colorado State University-Fort Collins- Master of Arts, Public History


In my free time you can find my trail running outdoors in the mountains! In the winter I love to cross country ski and snowshoe. I'm also picking up horseback riding from where I left off in high school. I also paint and have a side business where I commission my original paintings. I also write short stories in my space time too!

Tutoring Subjects



College Application Essays

College Level American History

Creative Writing



Expository Writing

Fiction Writing

High School English

High School Level American History

High School Writing



Social Studies

Visual Arts


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