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A photo of Amanda, a tutor from New Mexico State University-Main Campus


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I am an educator that believes in honesty and making learning fun, or at least interesting. I was previously a middle school teacher for language arts and photojournalism. I recently left because I felt that I was not really teaching anymore. I would like to get back to truly teaching, not reading from a script. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English: Creative Writing (minor in Digital Filmmaking) and a Master's Degree in Education from New Mexico State University. I am also working on a second Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling. My tutoring focuses are literature, writing, photography, digital media, and other topics related to these. My favorite to teach is Creative Writing, though. I believe that our imaginations are the key to a bright future and we need to stop hindering them!

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Amanda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:New Mexico State University-Main Campus- Bachelor in Arts, Creative Writing

Graduate Degree:New Mexico State University-Main Campus- Master of Arts Teaching, Curriculum and Instruction


TTRPGs, Psychology, Miniature Painting, Photography, Writing, Video Games, Walking my dog

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Creative Writing

Digital Media


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



Technology and Coding

Visual Arts


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