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你好!我的名字叫迷迭香。我是一个专业的elementary teacher with 6 years of classroom teaching experience and 9 years of experience in K-12 education. I have taught 1st grade and 4th grade as the primary teacher, and have experience with all K-12 grade levels. I hold 3 state teaching credentials including; California, Nevada, and Kentucky. I hold a B.A. in education from Concordia University Irvine and currently working on graduate studies in education with the University of Illinois. I love teaching all subjects including math, reading, English language arts, science, and social studies. I like to personalize my instruction by blending a variety of teaching methods. I love making learning fun and engaging for all students! I am passionate about inspiring my students to love learning!

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Rosemary’s Qualifications


Reading, Photography, Painting, Cooking, and Baking.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing






Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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