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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Southern New Hampshire University


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I've worked in education since 2011 after completing my first Master's degree. I thoroughly enjoy teaching for both the challenge and getting to meet students. I love being able to teach online as it allows both the student and myself to connect in such a way that is changing how the world works. I am passionate about English. I have a B. A. in English Language and Literature from Southern New Hampshire University, a Masters in Humanities from Tiffin University, and an M. A. in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire. I have a Ph.D. in business with a focus on strategic management.

I look forward to working with all of you.

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Southern New Hampshire University- Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree:Southern New Hampshire University- Master of Arts, English Composition


In addition to teaching you online, I also teach English, Communications, and Humanities on campus at local colleges in Cleveland, Ohio. While I enjoy teaching, I am also a bookworm. I can typically be found with a book (or Kindle) in hand to kill the inevitable dead spots in life. I also spend as much time with my family and fur kids.

Tutoring Subjects


Business Writing

College English

College Level American Literature

Creative Writing

Dissertation Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Public Speaking

Thesis Writing


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