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A photo of Eric, a tutor from Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis


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I was not born a math genius and I also remember when I used to struggle in math up until 8th grade. Then necessity birthed a miraculous breakthrough for me. Since then, I have taught most my peers math through university as needed. Simply put, I enjoy helping people in general when the opportunity is affordable.
I earned my degree from IUPUI in Informatics. I was hired by the state community college to teach college math before I graduated in 2011. I have taught and tutored countless students of all mathematical background, including but not limited to at-risk students. I believe all students can conquer any needless fear of math. My goal has always been to help break and set free, my students from every such fear.
Fear is a torment and what that looks like for most of my past students is to push math back to the back-burner and try to take it last. In most cases it never happens, resulting in a miscarry of their degree completion.
If, however, they did, they never had enough mastery to pass the class. That may include YOU. That's why I am here for you, to help you overcome this cancer that has robbed and seeks to continue robbing this country of its valuable workforce in the birth canal of academia.
I ask all my new and continuing students to be accountable for their success.
With their maximum participation, most of my willing students attain self-reliance by owning the subject matter CONFIDENTLY. You don't have to feel any of that right now, but I see this for YOU!
So come let us do math the way you like it.

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Eric’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis- Bachelor of Science, Informatics


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Tutoring Subjects

ACT Math


Algebra 2

Applied Mathematics


College Algebra

College Math


Discrete Math

GED Prep

GED Math


Intermediate Algebra




PRAXIS Content Math



Professional Certifications

Test Prep


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