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A photo of Mary, a tutor from Saint Mary's College


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A kind and friendly child advocate, I have dedicated my career to working with youth as both a therapist and educator. Having completed my undergraduate work at St. Mary's College and a Master's in Education at Duquesne University, I have garnered extensive experience as an editorial assistant at The Chicago Sun-Times, certified school counselor and a Secondary English teacher. I believe one's education and/or academia are essential elements of personal and professional success. I am patient, thorough and thoughtful in my approach to tutoring students with an evidence-based approach to learning. Excelled in essay proofreading, I welcome any/all opportunity to review assigned papers regardless of grade/level of education and/or subject matter. In addition to essay review, I am proficient in writing development and interpretation of literature. Having worked with a variety of ages and levels of achievement, I cater my tutoring approach to the needs of my student.
A single mother of two adult children, they provide consistent inspiration and motivation to all aspects of my life.

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Mary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Saint Mary's College- Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree:Duquesne University- Masters in Education, Counselor Education


My priority in life is parenting my children. I enjoy reading, cooking and knitting. Taking care of myself both mentally and physically involves daily exercise and mediation. I live simply but comfortably and relish being surrounded by friends, family and my pup.

Tutoring Subjects


College Application Essays

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

Fiction Writing

High School Writing

Middle School Writing


Social Sciences



Technical Writing


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