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A photo of Amanda, a tutor from University of North Carolina at Greensboro


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Hi there. Making art with others is my favorite way to get to know people. Learning in and through creativity is my professional passion, and I am eager to explore and discover with my students.

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Amanda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of North Carolina at Greensboro- Bachelor in Arts, Art Teacher Education

Graduate Degree:The University of Texas at Austin- Master of Arts, Art Teacher Education


My interests include concerts, delicious food I don't have to cook, comedy, camping, and ceramics. I am also wild for home organization and watch at least one episode of The Golden Girls every day.

Tutoring Subjects



Art Hour

Computer Animation

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing


Fine Arts

High School English

High School Writing

IB Extended Essay

IB Visual Arts

Late Elementary Reading Comprehension

Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Performing Arts


Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class

Visual Arts


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