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A photo of Charles, a tutor from CUNY York College


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"Wow, great job!" Natalie's teacher wrote her.
"Nice improvement on your in-text citations and references done in APA format.
Nice job paraphrasing!
Only a 13% similarity report."
(Down from 30% before I helped Natalie.)
Thoughtful, well-rounded responses to the questions.
Truly a very nice paper."
Natalie told me:
"The last paper you helped me with
raised my grade from a low C to a B in the class.
Thank you so much! "
Natalie earned a grade of 98% on that paper,
it was on the audiobook boom.

I have been tutoring writing since 2014, completed an MFA in creative writing from Full Sail University, an MA in political science from Brooklyn College, 51 of 80 Ph.D. credits at Walden University online, taught politics at South Texas College and at Southwest Early College High School, taught English Composition at Borough of Manhattan Community College,
and in January I will publish "Omit Futile Words: A Handbook For Writing Centers," which lists 3,000 pairs of wordy, and concise, expressions.

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Charles’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:CUNY York College- Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree:Full Sail University- Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing


编译一个冗长的列表,和简洁,表达s. Writing. Reading.

Tutoring Subjects

AP English Language and Composition

AP Studio Art: Drawing


College English

Creative Writing


Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing

English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Music Theory



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Thesis Writing

Visual Arts

Vocal Training



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