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A photo of Ciarra, a tutor from Old Dominion University


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I'm super passionate about giving students the space and encouragement to learn using the skills they already have. I have worked in Pre-K through 12th Grade schools as a Teacher, Mentor, and Counselor. I'm even a student currently at the University of Pennsylvania getting a Masters of Social Work.

I tutor Writing, Reading, English, Spanish, (and my personal fave) Math.
I love tutoring math because I struggled with math as a middle schooler until I spent time with some amazing tutors who were patient and helped me practice the skills I needed to be successful.

Outside of tutoring, I love listening to music, trying to learn new dances, and cooking interesting recipes.

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Ciarra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Old Dominion University- Bachelor in Arts, Human Services

Graduate Degree:University of Pennsylvania- Master of Social Work, Social Work


+finding new music +cooking interesting recipes +gardening +binge watching youtube

Tutoring Subjects



High School English


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing




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