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A photo of Gina, a tutor from ULVR Guayaquil-Ecuador


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In a world full of opportunities, it is a must to include the knowledge of a second language, without a doubt this does open doors. That is why I am passionate when it comes to helping others with the skills they need to master Spanish or English. Being bilingual myself has made me understand how difficult this process can become so I always try to make my classes fun and relatable. Throughout the years of experience I have come to the conclusion that teaching is not what I do but who I am. I love teaching and love seeing how my students enjoy my classes.

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Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: ULVR Guayaquil-Ecuador - Bachelor of Education, Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)


I like to go out for walks, cooking, reading and watching good movies.

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational Spanish




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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