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A photo of Emily, a tutor from Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus


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我是一个热情的科学老师6年s experience teaching grades 6-8! Teaching is my passion, and I care deeply about my students.

I have a BS in Science, Technology and Culture from Georgia Tech and a Master of Arts in Teaching from the College of St. Mary.

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Emily’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus- Associate in Science, Science, Technology, and Society

Graduate Degree:College of Saint Mary- Master of Arts Teaching, Middle School Teaching


I am a huge science fiction fan!! On my free time I like to hike and read!

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Science



Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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