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A photo of Brea, a tutor from Grand Valley State University


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我是伟谷州立大学的毕业生,where I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Education with a minor in Psychology. I'm currently finishing my masters at The University of Chicago in Analytics. Between undergrad and graduate school, I spent 4 years teaching math in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. I still keep up with my former students, and am always a zoom call away if they ever need my help. I've taught Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II and Pre-Calc in the classroom setting, and have experience tutoring a range of subjects including Calculus and Statistics at the college level. I have extensive experience with ACT and SAT prep, as I ran ACT and SAT Bootcamps at the high school I taught at. I am passionate about teaching and understand that students have a variety of learning styles. I'm an energetic math teacher who loves to help students increase their motivation. As part of tutoring, I like to help students strengthen their problem solving skills, and help them know what to do when they feel stuck.

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Brea’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Grand Valley State University- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree:University of Chicago- Master of Science, Statistics

Test Scores

GRE: 163

GRE Verbal: 162


In my spare time I enjoy traveling, camping, baking, and any opportunity to spend time with friends outdoors! I keep in contact with my advisory from when I was a high school teacher. As they are now sophomores in college, I frequently tutor them and help mentor them through this next stage.

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