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A photo of Jose, a tutor from Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona


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Hi! Im Jose, or Javi, from Guatemala. I graduated from a high school that was demanding on subjects concerning math. Because of this I have been able to easily go through my math courses in Penn State.
I want to help you guys feel as conformable with math as I have been in college. However, I want to do it in a way were you can tell me if you are actually learning and feel comfortable with a topic before we move to the next one.

I specialize in SATs but am more than capable in Calculus, Trigonometry, Algebra, Pre-Calc, and my first language is Spanish, so I can help you that too.

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Jose’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona- Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


I enjoy: -Movies -Video Games -Soccer -Going out

Tutoring Subjects

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