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A photo of Deborah, a tutor from Colby College


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My passion is helping students develop their ability to think critically, and solve problems on their own. I teach time-tested study skills, and use the socratic method of inquiry.

许多学生斗争,因为他们不确定where to start, or don't know *how* to learn what they need to learn. So my first task is to find out how they are currently approaching their work. I ask questions to identify their learning style, level of natural curiosity or interest in the subject, and any gaps in study skills, background knowledge, or confidence.

我的目标是满足他们基于“增大化现实”技术e, and do everything I can to build on their strengths, while helping them overcome their weaknesses. I work especially hard to find ways to make even their least favorite subject relatable and more fun!

苏格拉底问答法的大粉丝,我使用的问题to help students discover answers, ideas, and solutions on their own. They're often surprised and happy to realize they know more than they thought, and are empowered to work harder, even in subjects that aren't immediately interesting to them.

I always include study skills instruction and reenforcement in every tutoring session. Students at all ages benefit from this. In fact, the earlier they learn how to find ways to structure their learning process, the easier learning becomes for them as they progress through school.

I don't recommend waiting until High School to learn note-taking, close-reading, rote memorization techniques, and brainstorming. Taught with enthusiasm, and age-appropriate approaches, these skills make learning much easier, and more fun for kids even as young as third grade!

My students have described me as funny, relatable, and interesting. I use stories about my own journey from underachiever to honor student, which they often find entertaining. I have lots of stories to tell because I've traveled and read a lot, and have personal interest in the subjects I teach.

I currently teach ESL to Chinese students in the early mornings, and sometimes tutor adults in ESL in the evenings, so I am very comfortable tutoring in a virtual classroom.

As a former American Studies major, my favorite subjects to tutor are English, literature and composition in particular, and History. If you have a student who struggles to write essays, research papers, or literary response or analysis, I can help!

I look forward to helping your student become the best student they can be!

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Deborah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Colby College- Bachelor in Arts, American Studies

Graduate Degree: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education - Master of Science, Elementary School Teaching


Travel, cooking/baking, sewing, hiking, history and historical fiction. Particularly interested in WWI and WWII, my grandfather fought in both.

Tutoring Subjects

American Literature



Essay Editing

Expository Writing

High School English

High School Level American History

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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