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A photo of Martha, a tutor from NYSU COLLEGE at Oswego


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I graduated from NYSU College at Oswego, New York majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in English and Journalism. Teaching the elementary and middle school student has been my life's direction and passion, and includes 20 years teaching in public and private schools in Oregon and Kathmandu, Nepal, and 12 years of home-tutoring students in Nepal who studied either at Lincoln School, (the American international school where I taught for 7 years), or the British School. My strengths are teaching reading, English grammar and expressive writing. I believe true learning happens when we direct our own learning and eventually come to the realization that learning never ends. It is a life-long engagement with our personal interests and drives to understand who we are and the world we live in. My own motivation to learn has been supported by countless on-line graduate classes and workshops. and the practical side of doing what I learned.

I lived 22 years in Nepal where my life was directed by teaching, studying Tibetan language and philosophy, and travelling extensively in Nepal, India, Tibet and Thailand. When I returned to live in Oregon, I began substitute teaching in Kindergarten to 8th grade classrooms across the lovely valley where I live, which as far as I am concerned is one of the most beautiful areas of Oregon called, the Rogue Valley. I continue to study the Tibetan language and Buddhist Philosophy, and enjoy short and lengthy mountain hikes, lap swimming in our local pool and searching for the best swimming holes along the many rivers and creeks in the Rogue Valley.

My teaching philosophy is the same as my approach to living life: find what interests you, nurture those interests by researching, reading and writing about them. Get out there and meet people and talk to them, learn about their experiences. Their stories will interest you and motivate you to learn more! There are so many ways we learn and sometimes we need to be active in finding the way(s) that ignite that fire in us and create a magical field to life!

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Martha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: NYSU COLLEGE at Oswego - Bachelor of Education, Elementary School Teaching


Living life to the fullest is my hobby and greatest interest. I have traveled this world extensively and in the process of doing that I read and write a lot. A lot. I have a particular interest in Tibetan Buddhism, meditation, and doing works that are of benefit to others. Planting and growing flowers and making my environment as aesthetically pleasing as possible is a definite hobby, as is collecting art. When I do any work that involves teaching children, I am passionate about finding what ways I can best reach to the learning styles and interests of each student.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing

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