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A photo of Laura, a tutor from Worcester Polytechnic Institute


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My name is Laura Cintron. I am a Math and Science tutor that has experience teaching/ tutoring Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. I am currently studying Math at WPI l but I have experience with Physics as well. I was recently a student teacher at Millbury Jr./Sr. High School where I taught Algebra 2 and Statistics. I believe that a student learns best when they are in a safe environment and feels comfortable with their tutor, so I always try to get to know the student a little bit before/ during the content. I am fully bilingual (English and Spanish) and can tutor in either language.

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Laura’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Worcester Polytechnic Institute- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Test Scores

ACT English: 31


我的爱好包括舞蹈、绘画(不是),listening to music, reading, and solving equations.

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