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A photo of Alex, a tutor from University of Chicago


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Hi, I'm Alex. I graduated last year from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics (Honors) and Arabic. This year, I am a research assistant at UChicago while I apply to PhD. programs in Economics.

I'm passionate about teaching Math and Economics and looking forward to working with you!

Last summer, I taught microeconomics, macroeconomics, data science, and calculus as part of the 8-week UChicago Pathways in Economics program for High School students. This was such a great experience for me to work not just in front of the classroom but also one-on-one with students gaining experience in helping students get passed those sticking points that can be so frustrating.

It was so exciting to watch as they began to master the material over the course of the summer and I was honored that many of my students asked me to write them letters of recommendation for their college applications.

On a personal note, I love cooking, travel, learning languages, and hanging out with friends. Oh and I'm a total podcast nerd. I listen to podcasts pretty much every day and even make some in my free time when I get a chance. My favorite podcast is probably This American Life but I also love many others including All Songs Considered, Reply All, Criminal, and the Heart.

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Alex’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Chicago- Bachelor in Arts, Economics


chess, hiking, cooking, pocasts

Tutoring Subjects



College Algebra

College Economics



High School Economics




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