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A photo of Elizabeth, a tutor from Indiana University-Bloomington


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Kids minds are the most brilliant because they are the most shapeable, which is why it's an honor to be a part of their learning process! As a Bachelor of Science degree holder in Psychology (from Indiana University), my insight on the working mind allows for a better understanding of each child's learning needs. I am a former ABA Lead Instructor for kids with Autism, so I have a strong background in learning modifications and skill acquisition. I am available to tutor elementary and middle school level subjects, including math, english, science, as well as psychology. I love working in all subjects, and my favorite way to teach those subjects is with visuals. Any chance to use creativity is right up my alley!

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Elizabeth’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Indiana University-Bloomington- Bachelor of Science, Psychology


Hiking with my pups, fashion design, and investigative podcasts

Tutoring Subjects


Social Sciences

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