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A photo of Anne, a tutor from Franklin Marshall College


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As an experienced high school teacher (Geometry, Algebra 2, Chemistry) and scientist, I have ample experience to bring to the table to help students succeed. My favorite part of teaching is making direct connections with students, understanding their strengths and struggles, and helping them move through difficulty to experience success. I make sure to focus on the emotional development of a student, not just the intellectual, because I firmly believe self-confidence is an essential ingredient for growth that can serve a student well beyond my time with them.

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Anne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Franklin Marshall College - Bachelor in Arts, Chemistry

Graduate Degree:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor- Doctor of Philosophy, Biochemistry


Reading, Singing, Kickboxing, Science history and current events, Cross-stitch, Hiking, Kayaking

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2





High School Chemistry

Life Sciences


Middle School Science



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