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A photo of Adrienne, a tutor from University of Missouri-Columbia


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My first experiences with tutoring were during high school through a program called A+. This opportunity led me to share knowledge with peers and younger who can easily gain so much when catered to them personally. Thanks to this previous experience I found a love of teaching, which has led me to become an aspiring college professor. I value continually learning how to teach just as much as I value teaching.

大学的辅导之外,我参加Missouri- Columbia, which I am absolutely loving. Through the university I am part of Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity, Arts and Sciences Student Council, and many other exciting organizations.

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Adrienne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Missouri-Columbia- Current Undergrad Student, Psychology

Test Scores

ACT English: 35

ACT Reading: 35

ACT Science: 33

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1400

SAT Verbal: 710


Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity, Game of Thrones, Reading

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