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A photo of Jenna, a tutor from Monmouth College


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My name is Jenna. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you. I graduated with my MBA in 2014 and my BA in 2009, majored in Business Administration and Economics. Professionally, I have been a corporate marketer for the past 10 years helping major corporations on both digital and traditional global campaigns.

I have been a tutor for students ranging from elementary to college age for the past 10 years. I have helped individuals successfully prepare for exams, complete homework and master complex concepts, garner literacy with software like the Google Suite of apps and Office, and strengthen understanding of OSes like Windows and Mac OS.

As part of tutoring, I believe in sharing tools and resources to better prepare students for success in both the classroom and business world. I try to relate as many classroom topics to real-world situations to better enable students to understand how topics and strategies learned in school translate into professional demands. I look forward to working with you!

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Jenna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Monmouth College- Bachelor in Arts, Business and Managerial Economics

Graduate Degree: DeVry Universitys Keller Graduate School of Management-Illinois - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


I have three dogs and love to take them to the dog park. I enjoy cooking and collect ornaments in my free time.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

American Literature

Basic Computer Literacy


Business Ethics

Business Writing

College Application Essays

College Business

College Economics

College English




Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Mac Basic Computer Skills

Microsoft Office

Personal Finance

Public Speaking

Social Networking

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding


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