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A photo of Eva, a tutor from Pellissippi State Community College


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I have chosen to become a tutor due to my altruistic personality. I love watching people learn and grow, and I want to contribute to this process. My interest in helping others really began my freshman year when I realized how good I was at both English and multiple humanities. These subjects felt like second nature to me, and I often found myself helping my classmates. I am about to begin my junior year at the University of Tennessee, and I have also studied at Pellissippi State Community College. I am working on a Bachelor's in Wildlife and Fisheries, as well as Anthropology. I would like to continue on for both a Master's and Ph.D. in Wildlife Biology and Cultural Anthropology. I want to use these degrees to help not only people, but also the planet we live on.

When I am not working on my studies, I love hiking, listening to music, and curling up with my cats and a good book. My favorite reads are science fiction, comics, and poetry. I love animals and nature as much as I love reading and I spend as much time outside as possible. I also paint and collect dead insects!

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Eva’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Pellissippi State Community College- Associate in Science, Wildlife, Fish, and Wildlands Science and Management

Undergraduate Degree:University of Maryland-College Park- Bachelor of Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Hiking, swimming, reading, animals, science fiction, all types of music, painting, drawing, sewing, room design

Tutoring Subjects

American Literature

College English

College Level American Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


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