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A photo of Sophia, a tutor from University of Maryland-College Park


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I'm currently an Applied Mathematics Major at the University of Maryland College Park. I'm an extremely hard worker and when I involve myself in a task I give it 200%. I'm patient and kind and love the feeling of helping a student succeed.

I absolutely love math and I love teaching! I like to make my sessions fun, as all my favorite math teachers from primary and secondary school always had their own twist on teaching math, which made it more memorable for me. I believe in contouring each session to the individual student based on their needs, goals, and strengths.

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索菲娅’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Maryland-College Park- Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics


I love racing! Cars are a fun hobby for me. I enjoy making minor modifications to my car. I also enjoy bowling as I used to bowl professionally (fun fact- I used to be nationally ranked!). Relaxing in my down time by watching funny shows like 'The Office' and 'Parks and Rec' is also something I am addicted to.

Tutoring Subjects

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