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A photo of Ashley Lynne, a tutor from Queen Mary University of London

Ashley Lynne

Certified Tutor

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I've always had an interest in mathematics. I started as a chemistry and science nerd in high school, but going to college allowed me to hone in on my love of math. I used to help out my own peers during class, and before joining I was helping my younger brother and his friends with any math problem that stumped them.

Outside of tutoring, I get up to a number of different sactivities: I play video games and have a weekly D&D session; I also fence and play a variety of instruments; and if I'm not doing any of that, I'm usually spending time hanging out with friends and family.

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Ashley Lynne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Queen Mary University of London - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics


Technology, computers, video games, board games, cooking, playing piano, painting, calligraphy, and history

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