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A photo of Stephanie, a tutor from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey


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I am a forensic chemist at NMS Labs with a Master of Science Degree in Forensic Science from Arcadia University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology from Stockton University. I started working for NMS right before graduating graduate school and have been there ever since. My degree in forensic science covered forensic chemistry, forensic biology, forensic toxicology, and trace analysis which required a great deal of understanding of the core sciences relating to these fields as well as the forensic application to them. As a practicing chemist, chemistry is, of course, the subject I am most passionate about and have the most knowledge and understanding for. It has always been an interest of mine in helping others understand complex topics. Helping people understand how these topics are relevant to the 'real world' and the scientific industry is a major part of my teaching philosophy because I believe this is the best way to truly learn rather than memorize. While I am new to the platform, I guarantee I will continue to be a positive influence for my new students and provide them with the support that they need.

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Stephanie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey- Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Graduate Degree:Arcadia University- Master of Science, Forensic Science


Reading, listening to podcasts, walking

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology

AP Chemistry



Graduate Test Prep

GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

GRE Subject Tests

High School Chemistry



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