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A photo of Johanan, a tutor from Yale University


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I am an undergraduate student at Yale University. I am currently working towards my Bachelor of Science in Environmental engineering. While at Yale, I worked with a club called MathCounts where I tutored middle schoolers on a variety of math subjects in an after-school program. While my interests span across disciplines, I have an expertise in the math and sciences, more specifically levels of math through Calculus II and high school level Chemistry. I like to tutor because I believe that education is the one thing that can even the playing field regardless of one's upbringing. I also know I would not have been able to achieve my level of success without similar academic support and I firmly believe in passing that information forward. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, playing piano and guitar, discovering new music, and watching baseball.

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Johanan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Yale University- Bachelor of Science, Environmental Engineering

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 33

ACT English: 31

ACT Math: 34

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 33


Environmental Sustainability, Renewable Energy, Reading, Running, Piano, Guitar, Music, Baseball, and Traveling

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