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一个photo of Alex, a tutor from University of Colorado Boulder


Certified Tutor

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I'm a University of Colorado Boulder graduate with a Bachelors in Mathematics (currently pursuing a Masters), and I extensively use topics from college and high school mathematics in my daily work.

I'm very comfortable in standardized test environments at all levels, and I've helped friends and family with both specific topic review and study/test taking strategies.

Connect with a tutor like Alex

一个lex’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Colorado Boulder- Bachelor of Engineering, Applied Mathematics

Test Scores

一个CT Composite: 32

一个CT Math: 32

一个CT Reading: 34

一个CT Science: 32

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1430

SAT Math: 710

SAT Verbal: 760

Tutoring Subjects

一个CT Math

一个CT Reading

一个CT Science


一个lgebra 2

一个P Calculus AB

一个P Computer Science A

一个P Physics 2

一个P Statistics


Computer Science

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math

High School Computer Science

High School Physics


Middle School Math






SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading



Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

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